Shooting Stars (Dodecatheon)

Shooting Stars (Dodecatheon)

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Red Light - Dodecatheon

Red Light - Dodecatheon

Dodecatheon Red Light is also known as 'American Cowslips' and 'Shooting Stars' because of their dynamic looking flowers. Forming attractive rosettes of foliage above which these decorative 'shuttle cocks' are borne. A hardy glabrous perennial.   A native of Western North America where it grows in varied locations from open woodland to Rocky mountain sides. Dodecatheon is Greek for the twelve Gods or Olympians of the Pantheon.

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Red Light - Dodecatheon - 2020

Red Light - Dodecatheon - 2020

Note: Expiration date 2020 Dodecatheon Red Light is also known as 'American Cowslips' and 'Shooting Stars' because of their dynamic looking flowers. Forming attractive rosettes of foliage above which these decorative 'shuttle cocks' are borne. A hardy glabrous perennial.   A native of Western North America where it grows in varied locations from open woodland to Rocky mountain sides. Dodecatheon is Greek for the twelve Gods or Olympians of the Pantheon.

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